The Bohall Family

The Bohall Family

Monday, June 15, 2015

The mysteries of the pregnancy brain.

If you are pregnant, have ever been pregnant, or for that matter ever been around someone who is pregnant than chances are you have felt or witnessed the effects of pregnancy brain! Ok just so we are all on the same page let me tell you, the struggle is real folks! And if and when you think it can't get any worse, I'm here to tell does and it most certianly will! The random thoughts that take over your brain are at times unexplainable and the dreams or in my case night terrors that come when you close your eyes to go to sleep will have you waking up wondering where you are, who you killed, and if you are even alive at this point! All of these weird and unsettling thoughts bring me to wonder many questionable things, so much so that I decided to capture a days worth of pregnant brain thoughts. Here is what I came up with...

1. Shaving. Ha the first thing that comes into mind is the want to use #smh which just so you know, months ago when the hashtag originated in my world I most certainly had to google it to even know what it meant! But honestly shaving this prego self of mine leads me to to over weight people shave the lower regions?? Do they just choose not to shave or do they do as I do and go in blind and hope for the best?? Random I know! But the struggle is so real in this department! 

2. Belly buttons, I have never been a fan of my belly button because it was always deep in my opinion...not today junior! I currently have no belly button and on certain days when little miss is laying a certain way I have an outy! Yes an outy! Never have I been a fan of outy's! No I didn't like that mine was in my opinion deeper than necessary but I sure didn't want an outy! And my husband finds it funny that if I'm lying down and laughing it pokes in and out as I giggle! Gross! Also I have always had a fear of my belly button coming unraveled! Ugh still a fear today although I have been assured it cannot happen! Listen anything can happen in this world! 

3. I would pay for someone to come scratch my belly for an hour! Literally pay! The hair brush just isn't doing it!

4. I do wonder just how many people sing "wrapped up like a douche" when singing along to the lyrics "revved up like a deuce" by Manfred Mann?? I'm thinking its a lot!

5. If my water happens to break while out and about like last time, would people think I was lying and that I just peed myself? And holy Jesus please just don't let me be in a resturant or grocery store!!

6. Why oh why did I leave that Milky Way on the counter??? I knew when I made eye contact with it this morning that come 2 o'clock I would be wanting it! Stupid me!!

7. Why is it when I get a pedicure it always seems like my left big toe nail grows way faster than my right? Is it possible for one to grow faster than the other??

8. I am beyond a doubt certain that over half of my crazy thoughts come from reading articles on Facebook! Hardly anything other than wrecks, half dead dogs, drama in the White House, and neglected children! Ugh never anything happy!

9. If bedtime for Sawyer around here is going to continue to be 8 o'clock in the summer I'm going to have to invest in some black out curtains! 


^^hahaha I obviously didn't get to finish this blog because well on this night shortly after writing #9 the hubs and I decided to try and "speed" the labor process up after our Sawyer went to sleep and immediately after I started having contractions!😉 Hey it does work friends! Just do it!😂

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