Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nursing top turns lingerie.

*Notice* This post is not of my typical literature around here. Dad- if you're reading this, please close out now. 


If you find yourself being referred to as Mommy, chances are you have heard (and know well) the term "Parent Sex". In the rare occasion or the slight chance that you have not, let me bring you up to date with the term. The term "Parent Sex" {although not found in Websters} is the deifnition of sexual intercourse after becoming parents, the 10 minutes you get between feeding one baby before the other wakes up, or in some cases, the time before morning nap ends and lunch begins. That short segment of time that requires all-hands-on-deck if you will. Hitting "it" before hitting the pillow-as if your eyes hadn't seen sleep in 3 damn days. We all know of it and some of us know it all too well! Which brings me to my next point. That sexy lingerie that you got as a gift at your bachelorette party before you got married. You know that cute purple one with the lace top and matching panties that you keep tucked away with the other "fun" stuff that never gets used in the round box under your bed. The one you wore a couple times (on special occasions) before the rascals came along. Chances are unless you have an all night baby sitter and really feel like doing Daddy a favor, you will never wear it again! After all, do you really want to spend the first 5 minutes of your 10 minute "parent sex" segment frantically searching for the box, dusting the top off, and putting on a sexy piece of lingerie that clearly doesn't fit as well as it used to?! I think not. 
As Momma's we beat ourselves up trying to overcome the stereotypical "anything but sexy" mom look, when in reality our men find us sexy regaurdless of how rough we seem in our nursing tank covered in today's lunch, tonight's dinner, and whatever the 3 footer had on his hand when he came running to the kitchen wiping them all over your back while you were trying to clean up! 
My proposal is this-Let yourself be sexy in that nursing tank! Unsnap those sides like a boss! Know that your baby isn't the only one that finds that easy access to be helpful and appreciated! That nursing tank turns the tables for Momma's who think they've fallen victim to tee shirt sex! Not anymore ladies! Let that nursing tank turn lingerie for you today!

I hope you found enjoyment and humor out of this as much as I did while writing it! 

Boobfed tank lover<3

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