Thursday, January 2, 2014

Boob baby or broken arm?

You've heard the phrase "insert foot into mouth" right? Well my guess would be that the gentleman I encountered today was more than likely thinking this by the time he got back to his truck. First off for those of you who do not know, I am fortunate enough to take my sweet Sawyer to work with me everyday and being that he is a breastfed baby, I also nurse him at my desk when he is hungry.(not always an easy task talking on the phone, typing on the computer, and doing this while having the "girls" out and a baby attached getting his belly full. But hey it's worth every chaotic moment to be able to feed that boy and have him with me everyday!)  So it goes like this...there we were, having our 2 o'clock feeding when in walked the hardware store man with a delivery (nothing new for people to be in and out dropping things by and what have you) as he sits the grinding wheel down on the edge of my desk he looks at me and says "what did you do?" With a puzzled look I reply, "what do you mean?" He says "did you break your arm?" After pondering for a mere 2 seconds I then realized what it was that he was referring to and replied with "no sir, I am only feeding my baby"! Frantic for words he said "I had no idea" and I replied "Good! That's what I was going for!" 😊Pretty sure it took every ounce of self control I had at that given moment to not burst into sooner than he turned and walked out the door, I of course was dying in laughter and had only wished someone else would have been there to witness the event!! Oh the laundry list of Mom probs!

So what do you think? Broken arm or small child eating lunch? To each their own my friends😌 

God Bless! ❤

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