Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The measure of success

At what point are we and others considered successful??

I have recently been questioning a few different things in life. Many of us go through life day by day with the simple plan of waking up, getting ready for work, putting in a full day, coming home cooking/eating dinner, going to bed and waking up to do it all over again. This is life. With the exception of ball games, sick kids, massive piles of laundry, or the toilet that you just wish would clean itself already, this is reality! We all have our own "struggles"...money, relationships, wanting a bigger house, maybe another baby, or just a new car. Each day lived out in a bit different way, but typically with the same outcome...same amount of money on the paycheck, and driving the same car to work and back to the same house we feel isn't big enough to fulfill our wants. We all want more! Which is exactly what I am questioning...why more? Is that success? At what point are we happy with the amount of success we have been granted? Why as humans do we all want more? Can we ever been content with the life that God has provided us? 

My husband and I are not rich people nor will we ever claim to be. Heck in today's society we probably aren't even considered middleclass! Is there even a middleclass these days or is that a thing of the past too? We have daily struggles just like every other American family in this world. We all want more! More money, more success, nicer vehicles, bigger houses, you know normal stuff! Right?! All I have ever claimed I wanted out of life was to be comfortable or content, but I am...aren't I? I have a wonderful loving husband, a beautiful happy baby boy, a house (well for now...soon to move), my dream car, a flexible career, and my bills are paid. What more do I need? The answer is NOTHING! It's only what I WANT! As a child I remember telling my Mom constantly of things I "needed" and she would say Ashley is that a want or a need? Well the answer is a want! I had everything I needed as a child! And that holds true still to this day, I have everything I need and more so therefore, why is it so easy to want more? Can I just find satisfaction in the reality of life?
I have decided to change! I have never considered myself a successful person in the past but I am taking on a new thinking process for myself! I am successful! And so are you! Success in my opinon is no longer measured by the amount of money we have in the bank or the ranking we are considered by our peers and the community. Success is all in what we make it. Can we find happiness in what we already have? Can we consider ourselves successful with our current lifestyle or do we have to wait until we are debt free with 30k in the bank? Is that considered success? If so, how many of us will die unsuccessful? 

Yes I know this is not a typical post from me! I typically do not want to post the deeper thoughts in my mind for the world to "size me up" or completely judge me. In fear of what people will think of me. I am completely letting my guard down in hopes that some of you can relate maybe even just a little to what I have said. I understand we don't all feel the same but I hope for many of you that you can find success in yourself even if that means you aren't perfect because after all...no one is! 


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