Sunday, June 18, 2017
Why having a 3rd child has made me a better mom.
When finding out I was pregnant with our third little bundle of joy I was non the less -scared as hell. I had a boy and a girl already which to some people, is the picture perfect scenario in today's society therefore, adding a third was a tad frightening! Plus, we've all heard the saying "three's a crowd" which is unfortunately, much of what I lived by my entire pregnancy. Then there are always the millions of post about how having two kids is ideal and bla bla bla. Picture perfect to me is whatever makes you and your spouse happy whether that is 1 or 8, "perfect" is all each persons own perspective. At the moment three is "perfect" for me, then again maybe 4 would be even better? Who knows?! We will cross that bridge when we get there I suppose! Having 3 children under the age of 4 has opened my eyes to so many incredible things! Things I never knew existed. Such as how three different children of different ages can be on the exact same bathroom schedule...change one diaper, another's needing wiped in the bathroom, get that one wiped and another has a dirty diaper. Seriously, n e V e r ending! Or realizing the possibilities of eating your dinner while feeding three others. True story. Oh, don't even get me started on what I can accomplish while nursing a baby. Things I never knew I was capable of. Or just how little time to do anything other than care for children you really will have. Clearly, based on the fact that I'm writing this and haven't found time to write a blog post in over a year says something! Better mom, certainly not a better blogger with three! And although like most Moms, I still loss my shit almost daily, Oh and not to mention literally falling apart in the first 2 months of the third ones life (a blog in itself for another loooonnngg day) I am finding that each month this third little gem has made me a better Mom in so many ways and here's 8 reasons why!....
1. I care less. No, obviously not less about the children. I care less about the things in life that used to drive me nuts. {Things that any of you OCD moms understand.}Having every little thing perfect. I was C.R.A.Z.Y. about detail. I still love certain things to be perfect if possible but I no longer find myself getting anxiety about how someone carries my child to the car or which door they open first and how. Yes, I wasn't kidding. This is the stuff that I used to think about. Nutty right? I know! Now with three I have found I have no option but to allow for help sometimes and by golly it's just going to have to be done however it gets done!
2. I worry less. I used to lay in bed at night thinking about the laundry that needed switched over in an hour. Now, when my head hits the pillow I am fully aware it won't last long and I'm not about to lay there worried about that damn laundry! That baby will be ready to eat in three hours whether that laundry gets switched or not.
3. I play more. Less care=more play, pretty simple really. Instead of strategically planning details for tomorrow, I am completely consumed with today.
4. I cook more. Ever been to dinner with three kids under the age of four? Enough said.
5. I can read minds. Sounds funny I know, but my telepathic skills are on the high side these days. No joke. I can forecast a cry minutes before it happens. I see spills before they take place. I know a cry for milk seconds before the first whine.
6. I panic less. Broken? Bleeding -really bad? They are probably fine. Or over exaggerating to get the other sibling in trouble. Literally, my life every. single. day. These screams of death only to find one took a toy from the other. For. The. Love.
7. I get worked up less. The arguing, disagreeing, and pure craziness of a toddler (or in my case two toddlers) can be overwhelming at times. I am finding, I get less worked up than I used to. Honestly, the reason why is simple...I don't have the energy. Sad but true. I don't have the energy to deal with what you prefer to wear right now. You want to wear a cop uniform to town-wear it. You want to take 6 baby dolls to Walmart-bring them. By the time we get there you will more than likely change your mind and leave them in the van anyways. You want to stay in your pj's all day-me too. I have started getting less excited over these things and the craziest thing has happened-my kids get less excited too. Don't get me wrong, we still deal with ALOT of toddler "issues" BUT letting them find what individualizes them from everyone else has given them a sense of pride and calmness. Even if that is wearing pj's to birthday parties. Yes that happened. Just last week. Ashley, Mom of two would have NEVER allowed for that nonsense! Not in a million years.
8. I'm back to the basics. At the end of the day what is our goal? Happy. Healthy. God loving. Decent kids who will make a good impact on society. And will love their Momma for the rest of their lives.
9. I love more. They say with each child your heart just grows. This is so true. My heart grows with each child and the love consumes my body. When I look at my sweet babies it literally makes my chest feel like it will explode. A flood of every emotion. A dose of what it must feel like to reach heavens gates.
Three may not be for for you. But at this moment, it's perfection to me.❤️